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Bapfor service is Dail Community’s main service for community. Everyday - not only Sunday- Bapfor service is preparing by Dail Community and provide ‘The Free Lunch’ especially for low-income group.

Dail Community is founded in 1988 in Korea to serve the Society who are destitute and neglected.

The Korean word “DAIL” means “pursuit of unity within diversity.”

It encompasses a diverse group of people working towards unity in the name of Jesus of Nazareth by leading a spiritual life and service to others that transcends denominations, doctrines, and ideologies.

Handong team participated Bapfor service last 1st June in District 7 and distributed food, washed the dished and cleaned the area after meal. Also we delivering donation to Dail Community.

CSR Activity gives Handong the chance to vote every day about the kind of community and world we want to live in. It gives us the opportunity to be apart of something bigger than our self and use our civic responsibility to empower people all across the globe.

Also CSR Activity give us the chance to form real relationships with coworker and with person we met during activity.


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